What is Freemasonry? Watch this video to begin your journey
About our Lodge
Who are we?
We are a Masonic Lodge that was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Maryland A.F. & A.M. on May 19, 2012. We began with 22 charter members and have grown to 50 members to date and are continuing to grow. We are a diverse group of men from a variety of occupations, cultural backgrounds, and races who live in Perry Hall and communities surrounding- Overlea, White Marsh, Parkville, Kingsville, Essex, Bel Air, Baltimore City, etc.
Our meetings are held in the Sanctuary of Perry Hall Presbyterian Church located at 8848 Belair Road. We meet for Lodge on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 pm. We have fellowship time from 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm, during which we meet with those inquiring about Freemasonry.
We are beginning to establish our commitment to community service. In conjunction with the Masonic Charities of Maryland, Inc. (MCM), we provide at least one $500 scholarship to a worthy graduating high school senior to help defray educational costs in college. We also provide a Childhood Identification Program (CHIP) whereby we gather various data about a child and give that information to the parent. We keep no information about the child! As we increase our membership and receive more information about the area we serve, we plan to do more
Donate to the Perry Hall UMC Food Pantry, 9515 Belair Road, Nottingham, MD 21236. Donations can be made at the following locations– Giant Food (8905 Belair Rd) and the Weis Market (4126 E Joppa Rd) They also accept donations Wed, Fri, and Saturday from 9 -12 at the food pantry itself. Call 410-256-1897 to get more info.

8848 Belair Road, Perry Hall, MD 21236